Saturday 27 November 2010

Why can't people communicate properly?

I have been tossing and turning over this, especially as I often find myself in situations where communication is blocked...either on my side or the other...and I only reached one logical conclusion: maybe we sometimes just DON'T WANT to communicate and we'd rather crawl back into our little cosy shells where everything seems safe. If this is healthy for our relationship with the other, well, that's another issue...and for a little tadpole like me, one question a day is more than enough.

That's it, I finally made up my mind about why all of a sudden I am on the bed websurfing and my dear, sweet, beloved, better half is on the armchair reading...why there is an almost physical silence between us: because I DON'T WANT to communicate. Why? maybe because I'm too tired to put any effort into anything (gosh, it sounds so UNproductive!!!) or because I SIMPLY DON'T WANT to...that's it, I'll stick to this final idea.This'll be my final answer for today: I DON'T WANT to communicate matter the reason.

I'm tired of words and of meanings for today...

Just listenining to the silence now

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